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Saturday, October 02, 2021

Our Pandemic Zoom

 Several of us thought it would be good to have a Zoom meeting - it took weeks to get organized but on June 12, 2021 a bunch of us (see below) managed to sign on one Saturday morning.

This one have the most of us in it - from top left, John Chaffee and Rajan Kose, Cate Whitcomb (me), Lucy Seely Varnell, Richard Friedericks, second row, Claire Blickenstaff Beery, Wendy Millar Phillips, Janet Edlefsen, Phil DeVol, third row, Arum Kapur, Frances Hilliard Dawson, Andrea McDearmid Lundsford, Karen Smyres Wolner, bottow row, Ruth Morris Paige, Fritz Goeth, and Ruth Yoder Dyal.

We talked for an hour - caught up with some folks.  We were seeing Wendy Millar for the first time in about 55 years.  It was a great thrill to find her through links on the internet to her earlier school's alumni connections.   Hoping that I can organize a 56th reunion in Amicalola Falls for next year.  Timing will be an issue.